Hey people! My birthday party is tomoro!!!!!! Haihz. My mom asked me to invited Nicholas Neoh!!! So eww!!!!! So anyway, I asked Aolani to give him fer me. Instead of saying from me, I wrote there from my mom! I noe i noe. so evil. But I DONT CARE!!!!!akakakkakaka Anyway, luckily he cant come. And grace is coming!!! Its not that i want her to come, but she told mun yeed" I do wat u and andrea do ok?" Eugh!!!! So annoying. Sumore me n mun yeed r best of frens. I noe so sad rite? Oh yeah, Adrian also gave me a birthday card. When u open it, a tune of happy birthday song will be played. So hot N cool. Anyway this is just fer today. TTFN!!!!!!!!!!!!!