Thursday, December 11, 2008

tagged by chrissie tan.

What's your favourite colour ?
hmm..i like every colour. except green and orange. (:

Who is the most important to you ?
my family! and of course, friends.

How often do you think if committing suicide ?
Never. why waste life?

Do you have enough confidence ?

How many babies you want ?
4 babies. (: and they all hafta be hot and sexyy.

Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain ?
Yes. loves loves rainbows.

Who is the one who cheers you up and supports you ?
My family and friends. And my bunny.

Do you believe in eternal love ?
i do. (:

Do you think the person who tagged you, likes to play kidnapping ?
hmm. yupp. she wants to kidnapp all her dream guys one dayy.

What are you really afraid of ?
Thunder, blackouts, bugs and lightning

What is your bad habit ?
Biting my nails.

Do you have a secret crush ?
yupp. who doesnt? (:

Do you cherish every single friendship of yours ?
EVERY! (except three or four) teehee.

What does flying means to you ?
flying is what happens when there isnt any gravity that is why, man floats on space. (:

What do you currently crave ?
Marshmallows, ice-cream, Thai, my bunny, him.

Are you single or in a relationship ?
hmmm. it's complicated. *wink*

Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
Christine is a very
Happy girl,
Refuses to believe that edward cullen aint hot. (:
Is very quiet, yett
Supicious and she
Tells the truth EVERYTIME.
I know she's only talkative and
Nice to

What have you done to make yourself happy ?
playing with my bunny!

What is the worse case scenario that has happened to you in your life ?
i didnt bring my shoes and bag to school my accident when i was 10!
it wasnt my worse though. (:

Who's the worst person in your life ?
it shall b my dirty lil secret.

*Notify the people you tag in their cbox that they've been tagged.
1) Nithya
2) shereen
3) sek hao
4) derek
5) vivian
6) adelene
7) car reen
8) leow su-ann
9) kenn-rhoung
10) ernest!

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